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  • Let's Talk


Improve delivery while working on multiple intelligence

Jun 5, 2023

A great breakfast to talk about motorcycle adventures, the most stressful professions and sleeping times in a new parents life. Some of those topics embrace and relax the breaks of two exciting, intense, and productive days of Managers’ meetings. The team laughs at the same things, empathizes with each other, discusses **different views and finds common grounds. **

Meet to understand multiple intelligence benefits

For years, our global culture has been exposing and exploring the intelligence quotient driving the technical knowledge aspects of our careers. The last decades brought theories and proposals of holistic intelligence view to integrate the _multiple human competences: logical, natural, soft skills, emotional, interpersonal, collaborative, corporal, linguistic, creative and others. _

When working on company processes to build more efficient teamwork and healthy culture, emotional intelligence has to be worked on various aspects such as **self and social awareness, self-regulation, and relationship management. **

How does emotional intelligence impact our companies?

Technical and intellectual intelligence bring the know-how to our daily work life and a continuous learning ideal gives the team an up-to-date knowledge and practice, and keeps curiosity ongoing. However, a lack of emotional approach could interfere and damage personal relationships and productive performances. Working on some aspects of our emotional intelligence eases the way to analyze, create and improve delivery.

Leaders meeting to optimize delivery processes

Managers of Eureka Labs met to work on some personal activities following this integrated approach of our culture:

  • Teamwork building
  • Emotional awareness of our personalities
  • Optimization of delivery processes by collaboration.

Different perspectives helped to understand the relevance of adding value to our Product Factory in the entire workflow. Indeed, the team succeeded in the _capacity of wonder, agile problem solutions and setting new tasks following growth. _

Working on creativity and focusing on delight partners to exceed their expectations is the path to innovate, learn from others and challenge ourselves.

Our Manager team met to work on the importance of multiple intelligence and leadership skills that enhance delivery processes.

Post Tagsdeep-learningengineeringsoftskillsdevelopment businesstalentteamworktechnolgyinside-el